Breast Self-Examination Step 1 Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips. If you see any of the...
BREASTFEEDING: THE REASONS WHY IT IS A TREND TODAY!Author: Phr. Tay Breastfeeding or nursing is the milk feeding of babies or young children from a woman’s breast. It is back in action...
如何提高母乳产量作者:小斌药师 近年来在各大医疗及非政府组织的鼓吹下, 妈咪对哺乳的意识也逐渐提升。 妈咪在决定要哺乳时, 除了要面对种种环境因素的挑战, 同时也常面对母乳产量不够,力不从心的问题。 今天小斌药师和妈咪们分享一些贴士。 母乳如何产生?...
Tips To Increase Milk ProductionAuthor: Phr. Lim Many mothers do understand the benefits of breastfeeding. However, some barriers for example low milk production has...